How To Build A Computer

Build your own Computer

There are a lot of questions out there about how to build your own computer. It seems to be quite popular to take a bunch of PC parts and hook them all up and some how end up with a working computer. In some cases it can actually save you money and guarantees that you get the computer system that you want. Building your own computer also assures you are familiar with everything about your PC and how it works.

People of all types like to build their own PCs from scratch and you do not need to be a computer geek to do it. The ultimate question is whether you really want to make that PC or go out and purchase a complete one. That is a personal decision every one must make sure before they start putting out dollars to make their own computer.

So you decide that a pre-built computer is not what you want and need some help on how to make your own. When someone puts together their own computer, they are able understand it better because they built it and they are able to choose each component that goes into their PC. There is also a certain sense of satisfaction with having built a computer.

Things to think about

Let us look at some of the key areas of interest:

  • Component Selection - Make sure you get good computer components that will provide you the performance you want without breaking the bank. Examine each thing you want to do with your PC and make sure to select the parts that are needed to fulfill that need. You can always add functionality later if you found out you missed something.
  • Price - Do not go buying the most expensive parts if you do not really need them. Purchase good quality pieces that will give you what you need but do not go overboard.
  • Support - You will need to get familiar with the support forums and other websites out there that can help you when you run into problems.
  • Warranty - Make sure you keep your warranty information so that if something breaks you can have it fixed correctly. In some cases you might want to buy extended warranties if you have a very expensive piece.
  • Software - This is where you need to watch your costs. Purchase only what you need to get yourself going. Then buy other software as needed.

First steps

Deciding what type of computer you need to build. Do you want a really inexpensive computer for the kids to use? A small, quiet machine to use as a media computer in the living room? A high-end gaming computer? Or maybe you need a powerful machine with a lot of disk space for video editing?

Next you will want to gather your components to build your computer. You will need a motherboard, case, power supply, video card, memory, hard drive, sound card, etc. Make a list of everything that you need and everything you feel you want your PC to do.

Choosing a motherboard is the most important part of a new computer because there are so many montherboards to choose from. Cheap motherboards are great for building inexpensive machines. Middle cost motherboards are good for average use systems like home office computer. High-end motherboards are for a powerful gaming machine or video workstation. Extreme motherboards ($200+) have special features that boost the price. For example, they might have multiple CPU sockets, extra memory slots or special cooling features.

Do your own research and decide if you want an Intel or AMD processor. Each have their benefits and things that might concern you. Ultimately they both do the job but you need to make sure you decide one which to buy.

All the other components you gather will be based on the motherboard you chose and what you feel you need your computer to do. You might be using USB, PCI, PCI-express, DDR ram, SATA, etc... ultimately the parts make the machine but always keep it simple if this is your first computer. While building your own computer is not too hard you certainly do not want to start out with the most difficult PC first.

Building your computer

Before you touch anything make sure to ground yourself so that you do not static shock your components. You can build up static electricity that can destroy the parts you just purchased. The best way is to wear a grounding bracelet on your wrist and connect it to something grounded.

Next unwrap the pieces as you need them. You will want to put the processor on the motherboard, put the motherboard in the case, hook up the heat sync, RAM, video cards, hard drives, CD/DVD writer, power supply, etc.

Carefully install each piece as needed and make sure all cables and screws are secured correctly.

Now close up the case, connect your keyboard, mouse, and monitor. Hook it to the power cable and press that On switch.

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