Road trip planning for your computer

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Show #47:

  • Date: 2005-12-19
  • Subject: Road trip planning for your computer
  • Duration: 29:52
  • Format: MP3
  • Size: 12,293 kb

Topics Discussed:

Additional Information:

Before your next trip, take 15 to 30 minutes to prepare your carrying case and laptop.

1) What is the purpose of your trip?

  • You need to pack only what you need

2) What items will you need to pack?

  • Padded carrying case
  • Power cord
  • Ethernet cable
  • Wireless card
  • Pen and paper


  • Power plug adaptor
  • Telephone cord and adaptor
  • Phone line filter: A small device that plugs into the phone line between the wall and your modem. Some countries use what are called tax impulses on the phone lines to meter local phone usage and assign charges. These pulses may interfere and prevent you from establishing a successful connection. You may encounter tax impulses in Austria, Belgium, Germany, Spain, and Switzerland


  • Extra battery
  • Headset
  • iRiver
  • Laptop light
  • Compact storage device (such as a USB key, HD)
  • Compact mouse
  • Surge protector
  • Account numbers and passwords for wireless hotspot, etc

3) What files and programs will you need to access during your trip?

  • CD or USB key
  • Offline folders and web pages
  • VPN access

4) Back up before you go.

  • Use public wireless networks more safely

5) Use firewall.

6) Hide shared files and folders.

7) Do not use banking, finance, or buy online.

8) Learn how to set up VPN or SSH tunnels.

~~ How to protect your laptop from thieves.

According to Safeware, an insurance agency specializing in insuring high-tech equipment, 591,000 laptops vanished in 2001.

1) Tips for getting through security checks.

  • Do not carry in laptop bag. Carry in another type
  • Help secrity people check laptop by opening and turning on
  • Make sure battery charged
  • Stow laptop under seat in front of you

2) Have sensitive data? Encrypt it.

  • Use Windows encryption or other software like TrueCrypt.

3) Make your digital-music player do double-duty.

  • Store important files on USB drives or mobile players.

4) Trace a stolen laptop position.

  • Engrave name on PC
  • Use programs to report back laptop position

5) Set a system password.

  • Use BIOS and system password on startup

6) Consider laptop PC insurance.

~~ 5 safety tips for using a public computer.

Public computers at libraries, Internet cafes, airports, and copy shops are convenient, cheaper than buying your own laptop, and sometimes even free to use. But are they safe? Depends on how you use them.

1) Do not save your login information.

  • Always logout of Web sites after using them
  • Diable auto login features
  • Do not leave computer unattended

2) Erase your tracks.

  • Delete temp files and Internet history

3) Watch for over-the-shoulder snoops.

  • Be careful of others watching you do stuff

4) Do not enter sensitive information into a public computer.

  • Watch for keyloggers, etc. Do not log into banking or purchase stuff online

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